One Day

At the Honours Review, we celebrate the power of interpretation. We recognize that our themes unfold differently when viewed through different eyes, and aim to capture it in full.

Here, we share with you two such interpretations. In this poem submission by Lia Calancea, we see her unique vision of the future. Accompanying the piece, one of our artists, Gyanu Lewe was inspired to collaborate with Bart Kuipers to craft a soundscape for an immersive reading experience. This innovative fusion of poetry and sound embodies the very spirit of collaboration that defines our publication.

Join us for the full unveiling of "Unlocking Tomorrow" on June 26th at the Honours Festival!

Perhaps one day, you’ll wake up and breathe

Realizing the air you inhale is spaceless

And the disinterested time of numbers is timeless

Your consciousness will transcend the realms of humanity

Your teguments will intermingle with the cell that entraps you

Your skin will be made of marble

And the Interiors you inhabit will be fabricated out of your skin

You’ll wake up in a world where the organic and the inorganic fuse

Where technological singularity threatens human exceptionalism

Where humans have entered a new stage of existential morphism

Or maybe one day, you’ll wake up and breathe

Realizing the air you inhale is lightweight and devoid of pollution

Due to geo-engineering and global alignment

You’ll realize you’ve overcome cancer, surpassed your human timespan,

And lived fifteen more decades of happiness

Due to nanotechnological advancements and human genome editing

You’ll realize you can sing impeccable notes and paint mesmerizing landscapes

Climb unreachable hills and outstretch the latitude of the earth

In just one day – by taking the technocratic oath

One day you’ll wake up in a different body

The body your kids will carry throughout the centuries

The body that will either transcend mortality

Or be lost to oblivion in an utter act of brutality

One day, you’ll wake up in a different world

In a world trapped in an evolutionary state of progress

What will that world look like?

The question is yours to address.