Directed and produced by Isao Takahata, Grave of the Fireflies (1988) is an animated movie telling a story of war, grief, and tragedy. During an attack on their village two children, Seita and Setsuko lose their mother. Their father is a soldier in the Japanese army, currently fighting in the Second World War, so the children decide to temporarily stay with their aunt. However, as time passes, the aunt begins to treat Seita and Setsuko as if they are unwanted intruders in her household. As a result of their relative's attitude and lack of compassion, the children proceed to run away and move in an abandoned bunker which they try to transform into a home. As the story unfolds, it portrays Seita and Setsuko's experiences while dealing with post-war reality – hunger, illnesses, and loneliness.
Read moreTrailer Music–The First Music Impression: Between Art And Commerce (Part 2)
It is known how to make a good trailer tune; it is also known that it is not a simple challenge. From the beginning of trailer-making, the practice of reusing music used for other trailers has flourished–after all, once an appropriate sound is found, it is tempting to use its qualities and maybe even the popularity it acquired through the movie that used it before. Classical music such as Carmina Burana or Lux Aeterna has been overused to the point it is hardly ever brought up anymore; so did pop songs like Walkin’ on Sunshine.
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